Just For Fun and a Little More

             Mike Dunn posted an amazing video of a singer arguably reaching the lowest known notes recorded buy a human. It sounds very much like the lowest note capable of being played on the grand organ at San Francisco’s Grace Cathedral. The organ has over 7,000 pipes; one is about … [Read more…]


   Excerpt: Biodesign Out For A Walk, Introduction.  “They learned that Albert Einstein and Loren Eiseley agreed that every branch of science was cloaked in mystery and that it would be their challenge and privilege to contemplate those mysteries.†Einstein:  “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of … [Read more…]

Darwin’s Doubt, Ichemoid Wasps, black Widows, Praying Mantises & Evolution

           Excerpt: Biodesign out For A Walk, Chap. ;21. Simple Gifts. One of nature’s most outlandish displays of mystery is demonstrated billions of time each year and goes mostly unnoticed and never fully understood. It involves the “common†caterpillar. Whether it spins a cocoon or secrets a chrysalis, what happens next is … [Read more…]

Happy Anniversary Christie

Happy Anniversary Christie Excerpt: BOFAW, “In Thanksgiving.†And finally, the omega factor is often the most important in a list. If readers are not able to see, or perhaps more importantly feel between the lines, and sense that Christie was the guiding light for The Biodesign Class and this book, I will have failed. Her … [Read more…]

Metamorphosis and Adolescence

Metamorphosis and Adolescence   Every beautiful (and not so beautiful) butterfly must go through the torturous process of metamorphosis. Likewise, every adult human had to navigate the often traumatic, troublesome, sometimes terrifying labyrinth of teenagedom. Lori Evans, Bio.’79, recently invested six weeks of her time, talent and treasure in a group teens, introducing them to … [Read more…]

The Sound of Silence

The Sound of Silence   Inspired by a photo from Jane berg.   Excerpt: BOFAW, Simple Gifts.   A boot that I had not heard squeak suddenly sounded like a loud stair squeak. A squeaky clevis pin on my backpack sounded like a rusty gate opening. The blood rushing through my ears became audible and … [Read more…]

An Evening at the Ahwahnee

An Evening at the Ahwahnee       For the first 10 years of Biodesign, on the last night of the Yosemite trip, we walked the short distance from the group camp area over to the Ahwahnee Hotel. I thought it was a good idea to provide the students with as complete experience as possible … [Read more…]