Peter, Paul & Mary—Wedding Song—Valentines Day Although Valentines Day has been designated as a day to celebrate love, its roots date back 100,000 years before St. Valentine lived. Loren Eiseley alluded to this: … “in the dim morning shadows of humanity, the inarticulate creature who first hesitantly formed the words for pity and love must have received … [Read more…]

In Memory of Pete Seeger

Heroes walk through life carrying their torches to light the pathways of others. Saints walk through life as living beacons for others. Anon. How utterly important are the words from the Book of Ecclesiastes:   There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. The world lost a true Saint. … [Read more…]

Evolution—Carl Sagan—Secular Humanism

      I owe a huge double thank you to a BOFAW friend.  First of all, he shared, Carl Sagan’s YouTube video, “Pale Blue Dot.†And secondly, although I suspect that we have some differing views about Sagan, he provided the stimulus to present a view that very few students are aware of.  “The … [Read more…]

“Vashon Jane”—Muir—Emerson

           Excerpt: BOFAW, chap, 9, “Gratefulness.   Before each trip, I would say that I could not predict what they would experience.   I could predict, however, that they would experience things   that would be impossible to imagine from the comfort of their beds   with their electric blankets turned … [Read more…]

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

        “You created my inmost being: you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.†David. Psalm 139:13-14 It is laughable to even think about writing a “blog post,†essay, poem or book that would be valued in the year “5013.†I wonder … [Read more…]

Spirituality—Divine Spark—Soul [Part I]

        Excerpt: BOFAW, Chap. 4, “A Class is Born.†Therefore, the following clarifications were made:   1. The class was not a philosophy class. 2. The class was not a religion class. 3. The class was not a spirituality class. Spirituality noun: the vital principle or animating force within living beings: breath, … [Read more…]

January 6, Epiphany—Oprah—Archimedes

          Contrary to what some Oprah lovers may think, she did not coin the term or concept of an “aha†moment. In 212 BC, after discovering the displacement theory, Archimedes shouted “eureka! I have found it!†Whether he ran down the streets of Syracuse naked is for others to determine. ;o) … [Read more…]

2013—Overflowing Gratefulness.

        Happy New Year and a huge THANK YOU to all of you who have contributed images, links, likes, articles, comments and private messages over the last year. You have generated much joy, laughter and light. Conversely, you have also exposed causes of sorrow and suffering which, perhaps, is why Loren Eiseley … [Read more…]

Nature’s Light

        One of my favorite poems is: “He who serves his brothers best,  Gets closer to God than all the rest.† While few mortals will approach the bars set by Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King Jr. Nelson Mandela, Buddha or Gandhi, “little people†play an important role in our collective experience called … [Read more…]