The Darwin -Wallace Debate Continues






The Darwin and Wallace Debate Continues

This video fascinates me at many levels. A geophysicist wrote a book about Grand Canyon rock formations and called the process “miraculous.” An ornithologist wrote a book on feathers and called their structure and function miraculous. Gordon Taylor (British anthropologist) suggests that Darwin’s theory of evolution can not explain the emergence of organs of extreme perfection. Alfred Wallace spent several years studying the Birds of Paradise and argued with Darwin that the birds were miraculous and could not be explained by the simple expedient of chance and competition. And finally, the Cornell evolutionary biologist, Ed Scholes, describes the Birds of Paradise as a miracle of evolution which compels him to ponder how and why did this happen?

Paraphrasing the powerful (yet passionate) writing of anthropologist Loren Eiseley; perhaps in the steamy jungles of New Guinea, moved the eternal mystery, the careful finger of God. Eisely also suggested that mysteries, marvels and miracles of nature are always worth contemplating and talking about.

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